Board meetings are usually held in spring and winter of each year. The Board of Trustees typically does not consider grant requests between meetings.

  • The grant proposal deadline for the current grant cycle is now closed. The next meeting of the Board of Trustees will take place in December of 2024.

Applicants are encouraged to consult the Foundation website, and if necessary, contact the Executive Director well in advance of this deadline to clarify any questions about grant proposal requirements.


To be eligible for consideration for grant funding from The Halle Foundation your organization needs to be one of the following:

  • An organization located in Georgia,
  • A non-Georgia organization located in the United States with a project that exclusively serves beneficiaries in the state of Georgia (e.g., Georgia students or teachers), or
  • An organization located in Germany with a project that has a discernible connection to Georgia.

Additionally, your organization should be a publicly supported 501(c)(3) organization, or in the case of a German organization, the equivalent of a 501(c)(3) organization, in order to receive grant disbursements.


What We Do – and Do Not — Fund

The Foundation seeks to help organizations with strong leadership and a proven track record of success exploit new opportunities or meet extraordinary needs that will further the missions of both the organization and the Foundation.

The Foundation does not typically provide general operating support or fund new projects indefinitely. It also rarely supports projects for which it is the only funder or which do not appear to have the potential to eventually become self-sustaining. Applications that demonstrate a broad base of financial support for the project from the organization, from its constituencies (e.g., earned revenue, student contributions), and from third-party funders (e.g., other foundations) are given the highest priority. The Foundation does not typically fund:

  • US organizations that do not have 501(c)(3) and public charity status
  • German organizations that have been determined (in the judgment of the Executive Director of the Foundation) not to be the tax and legal equivalent of US-based public charities
  • Organizations without any discernable connection to the state of Georgia
  • Administrative and staff expenses
  • Capital campaigns
  • Churches or religious organizations
  • Endowments
  • Fundraising events
  • General operating support
  • Grants made directly to individuals
  • Professional associations
  • Startup organizations or seed funding


Step 1

Review of Application Procedures

Carefully review the Foundation’s website to determine whether the proposed project will advance the Foundation’s mission and meet the Foundation’s grant guidelines. Close attention should be given to the Foundation’s mission statement and to its application procedures.

Additionally, please review our model grant application which provides example answers and addresses some common points of confusion. Applicants are encouraged to email or call the Executive Director with any questions prior to submitting a proposal.

Step 2

Submit Grant Proposal

The Foundation only accepts applications through its online portal. Unless specifically requested, no materials should be mailed or emailed to the Foundation.

Note that grantees should upload a project budget with the proposal. This budget should identify income and expenses in reasonable line item detail and should clearly describe the amount and sources of anticipated support from parties other than the Foundation. The budget should be in USD.

Do not upload other collateral materials (e.g., IRS determination letters, financial statements, press kits, newsletters, etc.). If additional materials are required during our review, the Foundation’s Executive Director will notify you.

Do not apply for funding for multiple projects in a single application. Each project should be applied for separately. (For example, a university applying for student travel, faculty development, and career education should apply separately for each.)

Step 3

Notification of Action, Grant Agreement, and Reporting Requirements

In most cases, grant applicants will be contacted by email within one week of the trustees meeting with information about action taken by the Board of Trustees. Successful grant recipients will receive an email that details the terms of the grant, including reporting requirements and a grant agreement that must be signed and returned to the Foundation.  Please review the sample copy of the Foundation’s grant agreement below. The grant agreement should be reviewed in advance of submission of the grant proposal, as modifications of the agreement are not generally permitted.

Typically, in the case of single-year grants, a final report is due one month after the close of the fiscal year in which grant funds were fully expended.  In the case of multi-year grants, the Foundation requires an interim report each year until the project is complete and, upon completion, submission of a final report.

Grant Agreement