Before You Apply
How do I know if my organization is eligible for grant funding?
Eligibility for funding is limited to (1) US-based 501(c)(3) public charities and governmental organizations, and (2) their German equivalents that, in each case, share the Foundation’s mission of strengthening the German-American relationship and increasing friendship and understanding between the peoples of the two countries. Specific details regarding eligibility can be found here.
When and how often does the Foundation consider grant requests?
The Foundation’s board of trustees considers grants twice a year – usually in May/June and November/December of each year. Deadlines for consideration of applications during these two grant cycles are published on the Foundation website far in advance and are strictly enforced.
Are there geographic restrictions on the Foundation’s grant making?
Yes. Although very rare exceptions are made, the Foundation limits its grantmaking to projects which have a direct connection to the state of Georgia, and which strengthen the relationship between the state and Germany. Specifically, grants are limited to (i) Georgia-based organizations, or (ii) non-Georgia organizations (including German organizations) for projects which takes place principally in Georgia or which serve Georgia beneficiaries (e.g., Georgia students).
What sorts of programs does the Halle Foundation fund?
A list of recent projects funded by the Foundation can be found here and provides a good idea of the diverse nature of the charitable, cultural, and educational programs and activities supported by the Foundation.
What does the Foundation not fund?
- Organizations that do not satisfy the general eligibility requirements described on the “Eligibility” page of the Foundation website
- Annual operating support
- Capital campaigns
- Churches or religious organizations
- Debt relief
- Endowments
- Individuals
- Loans
- Political campaigns or lobbying activities
- Private foundations
- Professional associations
Does the Foundation make multi-year grants?
The Foundation does not make grants for a term of longer than two years.
During the Application Process
Do I have to use the Foundation’s application?
Yes. All applications for funding must be submitted through the application portal accessible on the “How We Work” section of the Foundation website. In addition to completing the application, applicants must upload a budget. Collateral materials also may be uploaded but are not required unless expressly requested by the Foundation staff. Technical questions regarding submission of applications can be directed to Nathan Howrey at nhowrey@thehallefoundation.org.
How do I increase my chances of receiving Halle Foundation funding?
There is abundant guidance on the Foundation’s website on preparing a compelling request for funding. This information can be found here.
How do I submit a proper budget?
In addition to completing the narrative portion of the application, applicants must upload a budget for their project. A sample budget can be found here. The Foundation prefers budgets that follow the sample format and are simple and easy to read. Budgets should identify, in reasonable line-item detail, all anticipated funding sources and major categories of projected expense. Note the Foundation does not fund, and the budget should not include, categories of expense such “contingency,” “reserve,” “administrative overhead,” etc.
After You Apply
What happens after I apply?
The Foundation staff will do a preliminary review of the application and determine whether it meets the threshold criteria for consideration by the board of trustees. If the application does not meet those standards, the staff will communicate that to the applicant within a week or two of the review. Otherwise, the staff will place the application on the meeting agenda for consideration by the board of trustees at its upcoming meeting. The staff will occasionally contact the applicant with questions or request submission of additional information.
When do I find out whether my grant application has been accepted or not?
Decisions on funding are communicated to prospective grantees within two weeks of the board of trustees meeting at which the proposal is considered. Successful applicants will receive a grant agreement which must be signed by an authorized representative of the grantee and returned to the Foundation before any funds are disbursed. A copy of the Foundation’s standard agreement is here. (Note that the terms and conditions of the agreement are not generally subject to negotiation or change.)
When and how will I receive my grant funds?
All grant funds are disbursed electronically through the Foundation’s payments platform, Bill. Grantees agree to provide banking information and otherwise register in Bill to receive electronic payments. It is the responsibility of the grantee to notify the Foundation when it is ready to receive funds, and funds disbursement will be made depending on the timing of the project. (Applicants are encouraged to withhold requests for disbursements until the organization is ready to begin incurring costs, so that monies can remain productively invested by the Foundation as long as possible.)
May I publicize news of my grant?
You are free to identify the Foundation’s support within your organization and in your communications with other prospective donors. The Foundation does not require anonymity, but it does not seek publicity for its grantmaking. Our intention is for grantees to receive credit and attention due to them for their efforts and programs. Please consult with the Foundation regarding any media interviews, press releases or publications concerning specific grants and/or the Foundation.
Is reporting on my grant required?
Yes. All grantees are required to submit final (and in some cases, interim) reports on the use of grant funds. Reporting is submitted through the portal on the Foundation website and requires the grantee to provide responses to specific questions. You will also need to submit a reconciled budget detailing how spending may have differed from the originally proposed budget. Receipts and other documentation are generally not required. A sample final report and reconciled budget can be found here.
How do I know when my progress/final reports are due?
Reporting deadlines are specified in the grant agreement the grantee signs when the grant is approved.
How do I access the reporting portal?
The portal to submit a report can be found here. Once you login, click on the “Requirements” tab and you will be able to see all reports due for your grant.
Events at the Halle Haus
What is the Halle Haus?
The Halle Haus is the former residence of Claus Halle, the founder of the Foundation, and his wife, Marianne. The home is located on nearly 20 acres of rolling woodlands in the middle of the Buckhead neighborhood and is protected by a conservation easement. Mr. Halle left the Halle Haus to the Foundation at his death to be used for its charitable and educational purposes.
What kind of events can I have at the Halle Estate?
Use of the Halle Haus is limited to functions which support the charitable mission of the Foundation. Most of the events are co-hosted with the Foundation by the Foundation’s grantees or other nonprofit partners. Events may include seminars, lectures, concerts, exhibitions, nonprofit retreats, fundraisers, orientations and de-briefings for students participating in Foundation-sponsored educational travel, receptions for visiting German government officials, students, and teachers, etc.
The Foundation does not permit the rental or use of the house for corporate or personal events (e.g., wedding receptions, corporate retreats, etc.).
How do I request to co-host an event at the Halle Estate?
Please email deputy director Nathan Howrey (nhowrey@thehallefoundation.org) with your proposed event and possible dates.
How large can Halle Haus events be?
The Haus can accommodate up to 80 guests. However, parking on the property is limited to 25 vehicles. Larger groups must generally make use of ride-share, car-pooling, or van shuttle.
What costs does the Halle Foundation cover for events?
The Foundation will cover most or all costs associated with a charitable event, including catering (outside of alcoholic beverages) and parking support. The Foundation can also provide limited A/V support, seating for up to 65 people, and use of the Foundation’s piano.
What are the other restrictions on events at the Halle Estate?
The property is operated under a special use permit issued by the City of Atlanta, which includes restrictions on outdoor lighting and noise, prohibitions on street parking, and hours of operation. Nathan Howrey should be consulted for further details on restrictions.